A sustainable port
The Environmental Port Index - a tool to help us chart a course for positive change
Flåm Port collaborates with several cruise ports to reduce the environmental impact of cruise ships in port. We use the The Environmental Port Index (EPI) as one of our most important tools for environmental reporting.

With sustainability constantly in mind, we are aiming to reduce the environmental impact at the same time as we increase the local value creation.
This to strengthen the foundation for future generations and build a construction that contributes to a sustainable development of our society.
Solar panels - energy production
The roof of our admin building rooms 220 m2 with solar panels, installed in May 2023. They are delivered by BlueTec Vest and have a yearly estimated production of 34.021 KWh.

Air Quality Measurement
To secure that Flåm is a safe please to breath, we are monitoring the local air emissions (NOx and PM). This also gives us the opportunity to put measures in place if we see abnormalities or an increase of local air emissions.
The graphs show both central area and suburban area.
To follow the graphs live, please click here.
UN Sustainable Development Goals
These four development goals are a summary of how we work and what we highlight. This is our work in the light of the Sustainable Development Goals.
#9 Industry, innovation, and infrastructure
We strive to play a crucial role in building infrastructure based on renewable energy sources, and will provide visiting ships with renewable shore power by 2025.
We constantly focus on smart solutions to lower the emission and environmental impact, with smart watering systems, automatic lawn mowers, solar panels and advanced heating and cooling systems.
#11 Sustainable cities and communities
We focus on local value creation to see and develop more secure workplaces in our local society. This is done by increase our income and activity in a balanced matter throughout the year. In addition to create secure all-year workplaces within our organisation, we provide activities and good service to the local community. A nice place to live, is a nice place to visit.
#13 Climate action
We monitor the development regarding environmental impact, we increase the cost for constant polluters, and we work to be beneficial for emission reducing technology. We are proactive to regulate emissions in the area we are representing, without affecting the foundation for local value creation.
Our goal is to reduce the CO2 emissions from visiting cruise ships by 85 % by 2026, at the latest. This with 2018 as a baseline.
#17 Partnerships for the goals
We work together with other ports and destinations to reach mutual goals. We have a position and ownership in Environmental Port Index (EPI) and a strong voice in member organisations like Cruise Norway, Cruise Europe and CLIA.
We want to use our position, as one of the world’s leading sustainable cruise destinations, to inspire other ports, destinations and visiting cruise lines to take part in a sustainable and emission reducing transformation. Having direct cooperation with the visiting cruise lines, to reduce the environmental impact, increase the local value creation and the socioeconomic impact.